Notarial documents

A notarised document authorised by a public official attesting to its content.


Notarial documents

A notarial document has the effect of legitimation and proof, and in some cases also translations or communications, declaring the contents as accurate, valid and truthful and giving full proof of the fact, act or circumstances and the date of its granting.

Notarial documents in general

Sistema constitucional Andorrà

These are defined by law with their content also being specified; the requirements of notarial documents place particular emphasis on the language in which they are to be written and read and on the figure of the witness, also regulating the consequences of infringing these requirements and the amendments and modifications that must be made to the same. The originals of notarial documents are regulated on one hand, with copies, certificates and testimonials being regulated on the other. In addition, how the presentation and delivery of the aforementioned copies and certificates is carried out is established, in addition to the right of administrative appeal and, subsequently, judicial appeal, in the event that such presentation or delivery has been denied by the notaries.

The content and requirements of notarial documents are defined and specified by law, focussing on the language in which they are to be written and the figure of the witness.

Notarial documents
in particular:

Public deeds

The content of these, being declarations of will, legal acts involving the provision of consent and legal transactions of any kind, is specified in addition to the requirements of the same relating to the presentation, stipulations, granting and authorisation.

Consell general andorra

The legal or voluntary representation of the people granting public deeds is also regulated, and the vicissitudes that arise from the fact that these people are foreigners or that documents that have been granted abroad must be authorised. A description of the goods or rights, title deeds, and the designation of charges and liens of public deeds, and how the contractual content of such deeds is drafted follows. Finally, the principle of unity of action is established in the granting of public deeds, as is how the reading and signing of the same are carried out.

Casa de la vall andorrana

Notarial statements

The content and requirements of these are also established by law, as a statement of facts or circumstances witnessed by or known to the notary, provided they cannot be defined as legal acts or transactions, as well as their judgments, and the determination of the different types: in person, by reference, by notoriety and protocolisation, and by notarial deposit, in the sense that notaries can receive documents, objects and cash on deposit. Cash deposits must be made to the Andorran Financial Authority, on behalf of the notary who received the deposit, within a maximum period of two business days, with the same not accruing interest.


These are subject to specific regulations regarding the communication procedure and registration of the same. Thus, at the end or in the margins of the original deed, notaries make annotations to indicate that other previous deeds, public deeds of assignment of rights or of subrogation, public deeds of ratification and, in general, public deeds adhering to legal transactions are cancelled, terminated, modified, revoked, annulled or invalid.

Consell general andorra
Actes notarials

Originals, copies, certificates and testimonials

In the latter case, being for example the affirmation of a fact or the expression of a legal and technical judgment by the notary, which may consist in the presentation of documents, or the testimony of the validity of the law or the legitimation of a signature.


If you have any queries or would like further information, please complete the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Phone: +376 801 000


    The notary’s office is located in an office and building that are accessible to people with reduced mobility. Furthermore, it is located in an area of Andorra la Vella with several adjacent public car parks.

    NB-markerPrat de la Creu street 36, 2n
    AD500 Andorra la Vella, Principat d’Andorra

    Opening hours

    From Monday to Thursday
    From 09:00 h to 13:00 h
    From 15:00 h to 19:00 h

    From 09:00 h to 14:00 h
    From 15:00 h to 18:00 h

    Fridays June to August
    From 09:00 h to 15:00 h

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