The Notary
Isidre Bartumeu Martínez
Born in Andorra la Vella, Principality of Andorra, on 31 December, 1963
Higher Education
Law Degree from the University of Barcelona (UB). PhD in Law from the same university, for his thesis on the Co-Princes in the institutional development of Andorra, Els Coprínceps en el desenvolupament institucional del Principat d’Andorra. Des del senyoriu feudal fins a l’estat sobirà, de dret, democràtic i social. The examining board unanimously awarded him the grade of excellent cum laude and recommended immediate publication.
Professional experience and institutional positions
In 1992, during the process of drawing up the Andorran Constitution, he was appointed Secretary at the Síndics’ Office (Presidency of the Andorran Parliament), where he coordinated their work and participated in drafting the text of the Constitution of the Principality of Andorra.
Teaching experience
Since 2015, he has coordinated several courses on the new Andorran Succession Law, at the University of Andorra. Previously, he gave regular lectures there, on public and private law.
Books and publications
- El coprincipat d’Andorra. Evolució històrica i desenvolupament institucional. Editorial Tirant lo Blanch, 2023. (Author)
- Estudis de dret català. Llibre homenatge a Antoni Mirambell i Abancó. Atelier, 2022. (Co- author)
- La persona jurídica en el dret andorrà. Fonaments de dret privat andorrà Vol. 2. Andorra: Fundació Julià Reig, 2020. (Co-author)
- Tratado del Derecho de sucesiones vigente en España y Andorra. Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, 2020. Coordinator of Block VIII: “Derecho del Principado de Andorra”. (Co- author)
- Dret de successions. Fonaments de dret privat andorrà Vol. 1. Andorra: Fundació Julià Reig, 2018. (Co-author)
Participation in the drafting of bills and laws
Participation in the drafting of several laws in the Principality of Andorra. Namely:
Other information
Since March 2013. Corresponding member of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans, within the Philosophy and Social Sciences section.
We are highly experienced professionals who offer expert personalized services based on
objective, impartial advice.
The Notary
Our office is both long-established and modern, offering excellent, timely and personalised services to individuals, businesses and professionals.
Here, we provide extensive expertise and a comprehensive, professional, personalised service. You can rely on our objective, impartial advice.
The Notary’s staff are trained to assist you in a courteous, professional manner and in several languages, and consist of:
Fco. Javier Escribano Poveda
Direct phone: +376801 002
Marta Moya Armengou
Direct phone: +376801 123
Manel García Caballero
Direct phone: +376801 120
Joan Quimesó Grau
Direct phone: +376801 292
Carlota Cassi Cuervas
Direct phone: 801294
Josep Maria Vergés Puig
Direct phone: +376801 125
Françoise Lesne
Direct phone: +376801 004
Prevention of money laundering
Pol Fortuny Filló
Direct phone: +376801 003
Sònia Torrelles Martí
Direct phone: +376801 291
Administration + HR
Jennifer Abian
Direct phone: +376801 126
Margarida Faus Marín
Direct phone: +376801 127
If you have any queries or would like further information, please complete the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Phone: +376 801 000
The notary’s office is located in an office and building that are accessible to people with reduced mobility. Furthermore, it is located in an area of Andorra la Vella with several adjacent public car parks.
Prat de la Creu street 36, 2n
AD500 Andorra la Vella, Principat d’Andorra
Opening hours
From Monday to Thursday
From 09:00 h to 13:00 h
From 15:00 h to 18:00 h
From 09:00 h to 15:00 h